What is a wedding ring and why people wear them?

What is a wedding ring and why people wear them?

wedding ring is nothing but a plain fabricated band or cupped with precious stones like diamonds that you receive on the vows of the wedding ceremony and symbolizes your union with your partner.

Traditionally, they were generally employed in the fourth finger of the left hand because of the thought that veins of the fourth finger directly connected to the heart. 

But this statement canít be correct because each finger is webbed through veins to the heart for blood circulation. Therefore, you are good-to-go, if you want to hook-up the ring in any other fingers. But don't forget to get a matched ring size or band set for those fingers. And again it seems uncultured too.

Difference between a Wedding Ring and an Engagement Ring

From now, you get to know what is a wedding ring? Now, it's time to switch the topic and learned the basics of engagement rings. 

So, what is an engagement ring? These rings encourage you to ask your mate that he or she would be interested or not in sharing their life and space with you.

They are generally given at the time of proposing a girl for the marriage. Women wear an engagement ring from the time of the proposal to the wedding day. And on the day of the wedding, the wedding ring replaces the engagement ring. (not necessarily)

Hence, it can be considered as a mutual agreement of spending time together. 

Does engagement rings look the same as the wedding ring? No, itís not. They are just like wedding rings but are more polished and attractive. They might be inlaid by carats of the diamond which are sweetly spotted on the ring with carved flowers.

And as said earlier, engagement rings are often gets replaced by unique bridal wedding ring sets on the ceremony date. 

What if you want to stack both wedding and engagement rings? You can do that, in fact, some people used to wear both the rings either in both hands or in the same handís fourth finger.

Traditionally, both rings were worn on the fourth finger, but speaking in contrast to convenience you can wear your engagement ring in one hand and wedding ring on the other.

Now you know whats the basics of a diamond ring. It's time to hit the list and find out how should you buy a ring for your dream wedding.